Vedic and Astro Remedies of Everyday Problems

People who have probelms with their sinuses in the cold weather should sleep after putting a bit of "shadbindu" oil in their nostrils.

Cinnamon is a spice that greatly improves the brain's power and body's strength, it can also help reduce lisp (tutlana). Doing deep breathing exercises along with taking cinnamon will prove even more beneficial.

Many dogs (usually stray ones) run after or bark at some people/children, this is due to their Shani and Ketu being negative. Such people should tie 7 knots in a black thread and wear that either around their knee or their ankle. If the dog still runs after/barks at them, they should not run or hit it, but just stand there with their fists closed and their teeth clenched.

If you keep getting a fever, note down the time that you get the fever. Take 2 green chillies, remove their seeds, and tie them to the toes of each feet with a thread of any color about 3 hours before you usually get the fever. The fever should get resolved completely soon.

Are you afraid of some unknown fear, then start taking some "ashwagandh" morning and evening - just let it melt in your mouth on its own slowly. Wearing the root of the "ashwagandh" in a gray colored thread around the neck will also prove helpful. It will reduce the baseless anxiety/fear caused by Ketu.

People who experience problems in travels or realize that any time they travel for some purpose, they return home empty handed, need to offer a coconut to Lord Bhairav before their journey.